Create Professional Database Management Interfaces
Complete Admin Panel Development Guide

Let us guide you - your Bootstrap PHP CRUD Admin will be functional in minutes.

Introduction & Prerequisites

PHP CRUD Generator is a powerful web application that allows to build CRUD Admin Dashboards in PHP using an online User Interface.

What you need to get started:

  • A project based on a MySQL database
  • A PHP Server
  • Buy PHP CRUD Generator at a ridiculous price that will save you weeks of hard work

This startup tutorial will teach you the basics, and allows you to quickly create your PHP CRUD Admin Dashboard without programming.

Once you have understood the basics and started using PHP CRUD Generator, you will see that it is still simple and intuitive and will probably discover its wide range of features by yourself:

  • how to display dates and times?
  • how to use file and image uploads?
  • how to protect access to the admin with a login and password?
  • how to manage users and rights?
  • how to customize and organize the sidebar?
  • etc.

Although all these operations are always easy to achieve (usually just select your options in the generator, or click on the button corresponding to what you are looking for), you will find a tutorial for each step in creating your Bootstrap CRUD Admin Panel.

Create your PHP CRUD Admin Panel

  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Default theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - List records detail
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Customize the theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - List with nested tables
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Filtered list
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Export list
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Export data
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Edit form
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Delete form
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Cerulean theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Cosmo theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Cyborg theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Darkly theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Flatly theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Journal theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Litera theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Lumen theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Lux theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Minty theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Morph theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Pulse theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Quartz theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Sandstone theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Simplex theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Slate theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Solar theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Spacelab theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Superhero theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - United theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Yeti theme
  • PHP CRUD Bootstrap Dashboard - Zephyr theme
  1. 1

    Upload the required* folders on your server as described in the documentation

  2. 2

    Open the installer - /install/do-install.php in your browser and follow the install process.
    You'll need to enter your purchase code and your database connection informations.

  3. 3

    Open the CRUD Generator - /php-crud-generator/generator/generator.php in your browser

    PHPCG has automatically detected your database and all its components: tables, fields, field types and relationships.
    You can therefore see your tables in the drop-down list

    Choose the 1st table for which you want to create CRUD operations in the drop-down list and validate your choice.
    Choose your table to build CRUD operations

  4. 4

    Select one of the three available tabs to generate the pages and forms of your PHP CRUD Admin:

    Select an action
    Build READ List
    Generates the paginated data table
    Build Create / Update Forms
    Generates the add / edit forms for the records
    Build Delete Forms
    Generates the deletion form

    The pages and forms of your administration are available and functional as you create them.
    You can go to your Admin Panel at any time, test the features, then return to the generator and modify again the options of your choice if you want to make any changes.

    PHP CRUD Generator makes your Bootstrap Admin 100% scalable.

    The smart system stores all your settings.
    You can rebuild each element of your Admin Dashboard at will.

    You can also modify the structure of your database, add or delete tables, fields, relationships, and then regenerate the different parts of your Bootstrap Dashboard.

  5. 5

    Your Bootstrap Admin Dashboard is ready

    You can now use your Admin Panel to manage your database using the available CRUD operations.

    The necessary plugins and functionalities have been automatically integrated: calendars, date translation, sorting functions, filters and data search, export to Excel or CSV format, printing, file upload, images with resizing and thumbnails, etc...

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