The Bootstrap Admin Panel home page template is php-crud-generator/admin/templates/home.html
It's a TWIG template, customize as desired using the HTML TWIG syntax.
The home page is built with the Symphony TWIG template engine, as well as the other pages of the admin dashboard.
The template file is php-crud-generator/admin/templates/home.html
Its content can be customized as you wish, using HTML TWIG syntax, which allows the use of variables from PHP, and logical structures.
If you want to get some records from your database and use them in the TWIG template, you have to make your SQL query/queries from the admin/home.php
main PHP file, and pass the values to the TWIG template.
For that, you have to:
Below is a sample code for admin/home.php
, to be adapted according to your needs:
use secure\Secure;
use phpformbuilder\database\DB;
// ...
require_once ROOT . 'vendor/autoload.php';
// SQL query to get your records
$mydata = array(
'records_count' => 0,
'field_1' => array(),
'field_2' => array()
$values = array('field_1', 'field_2');
$where = array('id >' => 10);
$db->select('my_table', $values, $where);
$mydata['records_count'] = $db->rowCount();
// loop through the results
if(!empty($mydata['records_count'])) {
while ($row = $db->fetch()) {
$mydata['field_1'][] = $row->field_1;
$mydata['field_2'][] = $row->field_2;
// ...
<!-- ... -->
<div class="col">
echo $template->render(array('mydata' => $mydata));
<!-- ... -->
Then in admin/templates/home.php
{% if mydata.records_count > 0 %}
{% for i in range(0, mydata.records_count - 1) %}
<p>{{ mydata.field_1[loop.index0] }}</p>
<p>{{ mydata.field_2[loop.index0] }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
If you want to display some charts or need to add any other Javascript, add them in admin/templates/data-home-js.html
or in admin/templates/home.php
just before </body>