Customizing Admin Panel Branding and Identity
Logo and Title Configuration Guide

The Bootstrap Admin Panel logo and main title can be set in the user configuration file.

To change the Bootstrap Admin Panel main title / logo:

  1. Open generator/generator.php in your browser
  2. Click the General Settings button

    PHP CRUD General Settings button
  3. Choose your Website name & logo then validate changes.

    PHP CRUD General Settings form

Method 2:

  1. Upload your image file in the php-crud-generator/admin/assets/images folder.
    Your image must be 200px width & 100px height maximum.
  2. Open conf/user-conf.json
  3. Replace PHP CRUD GENERATOR with your website name in the following line: "sitename": "PHP CRUD GENERATOR"
  4. Replace logo-height-100.png with your image filename in the following line: "admin_logo": "logo-height-100.png"
    (enter only the image filename, without path).

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