CRUD Generator

Database phpcrudmigli_sakila

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PHP CRUD generator - Create your Bootstrap Admin Panel from here

You are here in the PHP CRUD generator, which allows you to generate your Bootstrap admin panel from any MySQL/MariaDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Firebird database in a few clicks.

  1. Select the table that you want to add in your admin panel.
  2. To create your CRUD pages, click one of the 3 big buttons:
  3. Choose your options for each field then confirm at the bottom of the page
Choose a table

All the CRUD operations are disabled in this demo.

Select an action
Options from the paginated list
actorMain settings
Cascade delete options
actorField Names Displayed in Admin
actorFilters (drop-down lists to filter results)

Use FlySpeed SQL Query to generate and test your queries

Label displayed next to the drop-down list.
Example : "Author"
Fields to be displayed in the drop-down list, separated by "+".
Example : " + authors.first_name"
Fields for the query SQL SELECT.
Example : ", authors.first_name, articles.authors_id"
Fields to be filtered
The field used to filter the query.
Example : "articles.authors_id"
SQL FROM query.
Example : "articles Left Join authors On articles.authors_id ="
Type of values
Text or Boolean.

The query cited as an example will be the following :

SELECT DISTINCT, authors.first_name, articles.authors_id FROM articles INNER JOIN authors ON articles.authors_id =

When the user has chosen an item from the list :

SELECT DISTINCT, authors.first_name, articles.authors_id FROM articles INNER JOIN authors ON articles.authors_id = WHERE articles.authors_id = [posted value]

Use table.field rather than field to avoid ambiguous queries.

Enable ajax loading if your table contains a lot of records.
Filter field
If "Yes", the users will choose the records between 2 dates. Else they'll choose a single date.
Can't be used with Ajax loading.
Enable ajax loading if your table contains a lot of records.
Filter field
If "Yes", the users will choose the records between 2 dates. Else they'll choose a single date.
Can't be used with Ajax loading.
Enable ajax loading if your table contains a lot of records.
Filter field
If "Yes", the users will choose the records between 2 dates. Else they'll choose a single date.
Can't be used with Ajax loading.
actoractor Fields

Values : None

Comma separated list. Example: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf, txt
If you activate the generation of thumbnails you must create a folder named 'thumbs' inside your upload directory, then 3 folders inside the 'thumbs' directory named 'lg', 'md', 'sm'.

Values : None

Comma separated list. Example: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf, txt
If you activate the generation of thumbnails you must create a folder named 'thumbs' inside your upload directory, then 3 folders inside the 'thumbs' directory named 'lg', 'md', 'sm'.

Values : None

Comma separated list. Example: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf, txt
If you activate the generation of thumbnails you must create a folder named 'thumbs' inside your upload directory, then 3 folders inside the 'thumbs' directory named 'lg', 'md', 'sm'.

Values : None

Rule Description Result
d Date of the month 1 – 31
dd Date of the month with a leading zero 01 – 31
ddd Day of the week in short form Sun – Sat
dddd Day of the week in full form Sunday – Saturday
m Month of the year 1 – 12
mm Month of the year with a leading zero 01 – 12
mmm Month name in short form Jan – Dec
mmmm Month name in full form January – December
yy Year in short form * 00 – 99
yyyy Year in full form 2000 – 2999
Rule Description Result
h Hour in 12-hour format 1 – 12
hh Hour in 12-hour format with a leading zero 01 – 12
H Hour in 24-hour format 0 – 23
HH Hour in 24-hour format with a leading zero 00 – 23
i Minutes 00 – 59
a Day time period a.m. / p.m.
A Day time period in uppercase AM / PM
actorExternal relations


Enabling this relationship allows you to associate one or more film with each table record actor.

The film_actor table is in this case a pure relational table which connects the film to the actor table.

The READ LIST will display the records of the table film in a nested table.

Depending on your choice, the CREATE and EDIT forms will allow to associate the records of the table film to the actor added/edited,
OR to add/edit/delete the records of the table film.

ONE_TO_MANY Relation

If you enable this relationship, the READ LIST will display for each record in the table actor the matching entries of the table %original_table% in a sub-drop-down table.

If you enable the Allow users to add/edit/delete records from the READ LIST option the users will be able to add/edit/delete the records from the table film_actor directly from this subtable.

Options for the deletion form

Fields displayed to user in admin to confirm deletion


PHP CRUD Generator - Configuration

The Configuration form is disabled in this demo.

PHP CRUD Generator - Compare files

The file comparison tool is disabled in this demo.

PHP CRUD Generator - Authentication module

The user authentication module is disabled