Phpcg users profiles

Add new

  1. Set the Read, Update, Create/Delete rights of the table you want to restrict to "Restricted" in the drodown list
  2. In the Constraint Query field, enter the WHERE query to use to limit the user's rights


WHERE your_table.phpcg_users_ID = CURRENT_USER_ID

CURRENT_USER_ID will be automatically replaced with the ID of the connected user.

Your table MUST have direct or indirect relationship with phpcg_users. For example:

  • your_table.phpcg_users_ID => phpcg_users.ID (direct relationship)
  • your_table.t2_ID => t2.ID
    t2.phpcg_users_ID => phpcg_users.ID (indirect relationship)
CREATE/DELETE rights on users table cannot be limited - this would be a nonsense

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