PHP CRUD Application
Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Generator

Create a Full-Featured PHP CRUD Admin Dashboard from Your Database

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MySQL MariaDB Oracle Firebird PostgreSQL
PHP Bootstrap 5 HTML 5 CSS 3 JavaScript

PHP CRUD Application
for relational databases using OOP and MVC in PHP

What is a PHP CRUD?

The term "CRUD" is an acronym for the four main operations commonly performed on database records,
namely "Create", "Read", "Update", "Delete".

A PHP CRUD is an application written in the PHP language that provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to perform the CRUD operations.

PHPCG is an easy, intuitive web application developed using the most popular web technologies to create Bootstrap powered dashboards with PHP CRUD operations.

The PHP CRUD generator is designed to build your Bootstrap Admin Dashboard with the help of a GUI.

The CRUD application can manage any relational database's data, regardless of both the complexity of its structure and the volume of data.

The application engine is powered by PHP PDO. It has been designed to operate with the following Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS):

  • MySQL

  • MariaDB

  • Oracle

  • Firebird

  • PostgreSQL


Quick Access

Fully customisable themes and features

High quality design admin dashboard

The CRUD application comes with 20+ Bootstrap themes and allows you to switch between them right from the admin dashboard.

It also allows you to choose different colors for each menu in the admin dashboard and to customise different elements.

You can also create categories and organise the different admin pages within the left navigation menuand give a different icon to each element.

The design is obviously fully responsive and fits all devices: computers, tablets and smartphones.

20+ BOOTSTRAP CSS responsive themes


Create your Bootstrap dashboard
with CRUD operations in PHP

The PHPCG engine is based on PHP PDO and supports multiple relational database management systems, such as MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL and Firebird.

From an in-depth analysis of your database, you create a complete PHP application with CRUD functionality and advanced features using an intuitive interface.

The Content Management System that PHPCG generates allows you to manage the content of your database no matter the complexity of its structure.

You will use the best premium Javascript plugins available to make your changes according to the field you selected:

  • Rich Text Editors (tinyMce)
  • Date & Time Pickers
  • Advanced Uploader
  • Select Lists
  • Radios & Checkboxes
  • ...

The admin dashboard can be customized as desired: custom labels, nested tables, navigation with organized categories.

Does PHP CRUD Generator meet your needs?

You have a relational database

You run a relational database and want to be able to edit its content using an online PHP admin panel.

You're a programmer

PHPCG is conceived with the most popular languages and frameworks you probably already know.
It's conceived in clean and well-organized coding and generates your admin panel the same way.

The code is accessible, commented on, and documented..
If you use object-oriented PHP programming, Bootstrap and jQuery, you will be able to customize your admin panel according to your needs quickly.

The documentation and the numerous tutorials available will help you find your bearings and take the tool in hand.

Here you will find representative samples of generated code for the lists and forms of the admin panel.

You want to quickly build your admin panel to manage your database with no hassle

The CRUD Generator is a one-page interface. Its intelligent engine understands your database structure and relations.

Thus, all you have to do is open the Generator, choose your tables, and validate the creation of lists and forms.
PHPCG will do all the work for you and create the necessary validation functions according to your tables and data.

You will be able to access the admin panel and manage your CRUD operations within just a few minutes.

You need to create profiles for administrators with different rights for each

Do you work with a team and need to manage the rights access to the admin? Here are some use cases:

  • You need an application that different administrators can access and control different profiles:
    some data will be accessible to all, others not.
    Depending on their profile, some administrators will be allowed to modify specific data, others not
  • Administrators should only have access to their clients' data or their own.

Your database contains many tables and many records

Some tables contain tens of thousands of records. You need to be able to browse, filter or search through them.

In all these situations, PHPCG is perfect for you and will be able to meet your needs.

Easy CRUD application in PHP

Unlike most other CRUD PHP applications, with PHPCG, you won't have to program the elements of your website admin panel.

The graphical user interface (GUI) is both a code generator and a templating engine. It creates all CRUD operations in PHP without having to code them.

The admin panel content is based on clean, responsive Bootstrap HTML templates.

Each admin theme & template is fully responsive. The available themes are customizable open source themes from Bootswatch.

In-depth DB analysis

PHPCG provides an engine capable of an in-depth analysis of your relational database. Its innovative engine understands the logic of your application.

Create your database and set up your connection.

The PHP/PDO program extracts the database structure and data in a relevant way:

  • database relationships
  • field type analysis
  • validation criteria
  • primary keys detection
  • auto-incremented fields detection
  • foreign keys detection


The online demo provides access to both parts of the application:

It will help you get to know the tool before making your choice.

One-page Application

  1. 1Create a database
  2. 2Open PHP CRUD Generator
  3. 3Select the database table that you want to add to your Admin Dashboard
  4. 4
    • Generate the corresponding data table (READ)
    • Generate the insert record/update record forms (CREATE/UPDATE)
    • Generate the deletion form (DELETE)
  5. 5Open your Bootstrap admin dashboard - your application is ready to use

Simple but powerful configuration tools:

  • PHPCG is built with Bootstrap & jQuery
  • Generation of data filters
  • Handling of nested tables (foreign keys)
  • Choice of validation functions
  • Client-side (Javascript) + server-side (PHP) form validation
  • Generation and display of images and thumbnails
  • Use the best jQuery plugins for enhanced admin forms (pickers, file uploader, rich text editor, etc.)
  • Generation of help texts and tooltips for the end-user
  • JSON format for data storage
  • User management
  • User profiles and rights management
  • Authentication module
  • Bootstrap admin templates
  • Bootstrap admin themes
  • Bootstrap admin theme switcher
  • Premium jQuery plugins
  • Etc. (non-exhaustive list)

The online demo allows you to test the PHP CRUD system.

The various components of the customer admin panel are generated or edited in real-time during the validation of each form. You can therefore access the client dashboard at any time and test its features.

Features Highlights

One-page interface

Fill in each form to set up and generate your Bootstrap admin panel. The process is is straightforward but nevertheless very powerful.

Intelligent database analysis

Intelligent relationship management between tables and fields - PHPCG can recognize and configure your database structure and fields instantly.

Strong UX design

The client admin panel is built with Bootstrap. It includes the best jQuery plugins and advanced features to facilitate and enhance its use: searchable lists, file & images uploader, pickers, etc.

Fully Multilingual

The Generator includes a single i18n translation file - The admin panel can use any custom language.

Authentication Module

PHPCG is provided with a complete user and profile management module. Each profile allows you to associate the user's rights (read/create/update/delete) for each table.

Highly reliable coding

The main system uses an MVC model with a single config file, a router, PHP class, optimized SQL queries, advanced SQL join queries, and PHP forms.
The PHP forms are powered by PHP Form Builder (HTML form builder for Bootstrap) & HTML Twig Template engine.

Full Features


  • One-page PHP CRUD
  • Easy Bootstrap Dashboard Builder
  • 20+ Bootstrap Admin Themes included
  • Customizable CSS with SASS & Gulp
  • PHP CRUD for Bootstrap with all CRUD operations (create/read/update/delete)
  • Based on advanced comprehensive forms


  • Intelligent database analysis
  • Primary key and secondary keys detection
  • Autoincrement fields management
  • Detection of the existing relationships between each table (one-to-one & one-to-many)
  • Protected SQL statements
  • Smart field analysis method
  • Detection of validation types


  • Automatic backup of the generated Bootstrap admin files
  • Comparison and merging of generated pages with their previous saved version


  • Choice of fields displayed in the list
  • Choice of field names displayed in the list
  • Creation of basic or advanced filters
  • Choice of orderable columns
  • Ability to toggle fields in a nested table ("+" button)
  • Values edition in place
  • Selection of linked table fields to display
  • View images and thumbnails
  • Date and time format selection
  • Display of external fields in nested tables
  • Edit relational entries straight from the parent list
  • Export records in XLSX/CSV format
  • Print active records / all records
  • Links from recordings to their page on the public site
  • Single-record lists
  • Results per page
  • Pagination


  • Built with PHP Form Builder
  • Relationship management between tables with the choice of fields to display
  • Drop-down lists and available values management (automatic/customized)
  • Help texts and tooltips
  • Client-side and server-side validation
  • Automatic and custom field validation choices
  • Rich Text Editor (TinyMce)
  • File upload with awesome advanced features
  • Image upload with resizing & thumbnails generation
  • Date & Time pickers with display and recording format choice
  • All the special fields with plugins (text editors, date and time pickers, file and image uploaders, etc.) can be configured within a few seconds
  • Customizable layout


  • Built with PHP Form Builder
  • Possibility to cascade delete according to database relationships using SQL transactions
  • Warning display for cascaded deleted records:
    • Shows each relational table's record count
    • The administrator has to confirm before deleting a record


  • Add/Edit/Delete users
  • Unlimited Users Profiles
  • Table-based rights management:
    • Read all records
    • Create/update all records
    • Delete all records
    • Read only its own records
    • Create/update only its own records
    • Delete only its own records


  • Togglable Authentication Module
  • Advanced reliable password Encryption in PHP


  • Clean and comprehensive structure
  • MVC Logic without PHP Framework dependency:
    • Pure PHP script based on OOP
    • PHP Classes (including PHP Form Builder)
    • HTML TWIG Templates
    • Alto Router
  • Client-Side:
    • Bootstrap
    • Bootstrap Admin Templates
    • jQuery


  • Choice of the admin navbar layout
  • Categorizing navbar Items
  • Enable or disable navbar Items
  • Icon selection


  • Single translation file


A smart application with strong code

PHP CRUD Generator is a premium PHP CRUD Framework both highly complete and easy to use.

The database tables and PHP forms in the Bootstrap admin panel use the relevant fields and values automatically: texts, numbers, Boolean, HTML content, dates and times, images and files, data sets, etc.

Post your form to add, update or delete a record from your database securely - the POST data is validated and secured by the system before any table update.

It's a one-page web-based PHP app..

The program performs a complete analysis of your database and accomplishes 99% of the work for you.
You do not need to program the CRUD operations.

The whole project - including the CRUD System and the admin templates - is built in MVC (Model/Vue/Controller) with the most popular and universal web technologies: PHP classes, PHP Objects (POO), SQL, Bootstrap CSS + Font Awesome, jQuery, JSON Storage, and full Responsive Design.

The PHP code is structured, well-organized, and easy to understand for PHP object coders. It generates clean, valid HTML.

Users reviews, about the author, and free tools by the same author

Support and reliability are 100% guaranteed

The CRUD PHP engine and the Bootstrap dashboard are designed with the best technologies whose robustness is well proven:

PHP, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, jQuery, TWIG Template engine.

Documentation and tutorials are available online.
No known bugs at this time.
Automatic updates with a 1-click update button.